Sales Hiring Straight Talk
Create a stronger HIRING SYSTEM with Ideas ... Resources ... Experience ... Guest Sales Hiring Experts! Sales Hiring Straight Talk ... so your Sales Interviews ROCK!
46 episodes
How Today's Candidates are Different - Mark Wilcox #2
This is the second of 3 interviews with Mark Wilcox, Global VP of Sales on the subject of Candidate Experience in the First Interview in the hiring process.In this podcast, Mark Wilcox shares what he thinks has changed the mos...

Interviews Should be a Human Experience - Mark Wilcox #1
This is the first of 3 interviews with Mark Wilcox, Global VP of Sales on the subject of Candidate Experience in the First Interview in the hiring process.Life, interviewing and applying for a job is hard enough. The more comf...

Turn Your Candidates into Brand Ambassadors
Podcast host Suzanne Paling interviews co-host Jennifer Leake of Assessment Pros on the topic of assessments and the candidate experience. Jennifer has over 30 years experience with a variety of assessments and how to supplement and better unde...

How Assessments Improve Candidate Experience
Podcast host Suzanne Paling interviews co-host Jennifer Leake of Assessment Pros on the topic of assessments and the candidate experience. Jennifer has over 30 years experience with a variety of assessments and how to supplement and better unde...

Are Your MUST HAVES for Candidates Too High? Kevin F. Davis
Kevin F. Davis talks about the fact that the best candidates have other options. He cautions against setting the bar too high for candidates and kicking out some people you shouldn't. Instead, there are 3 other traits sales ...

Are Your Phone Interviews Too Superficial? Kevin F. Davis
Kevin F. Davis shares ideas on the how and what to ask in the phone interview. He suggests questions other interviewers might not ask. Do you use your 20 minutes (30 minutes MAX!) wisely in your phone interview with candidates so...

Why You Should Do Your Own Phone Interviews! Kevin F. Davis
In this current podcast series, we are discussing the candidate experience during the hiring process. Today, we are joined by Kevin F. Davis, author of two books “Slow Down, Sell Faster!” and “The Sales Manager...

5 Key Ingredients to Better R.E.A.C.H. Candidates - Ira Wolfe
Ira S. Wolfe is the president of Success Performance Solutions, a red carpet TEDx speaker and author of the books The Perfect Labor Storm and Recruiting in the Age of Googlization: When the Shift Hits Your Pla...

A Candidate's #1 Complaint - Avoid It and Stand Out - Ira Wolfe
In our second interview with Ira S Wolfe, we asked "What do candidates say makes a great job search experience?" Learn their #1 complaint - a very common action by hiring companies - and what sales leaders can do to improve their hiring p...

Candidate Experience - What It Is and Why It Needs to Be Important to You - Ira Wolfe
In our first interview with Ira S Wolfe, learn why candidate experience is an important part of your hiring strategy in today's market. What's the first impression candidates have of your company, starting with the first time someone is t...

2021 Holiday Edition: Creating Clarity When Hiring
Though we wish it wasn’t so, most hiring sales leaders still need to factor COVID into their interview process this next year. We have made Creating Clarity When Hiring our theme for today’s 2021 holiday podcast. Cre...

BEWARE! You May Have Sourcing Tunnel Vision and Biases - Shelley Billinghurst
In this session with Shelley Billinghurst, learn why a recruiter should be part of your sourcing strategy. Also, be prepared to discover that you may have tunnel vision and/or biases about candidates who:are currently unemploy...
Episode 4

Your Candidate Sourcing Might Be SO 2011! - Shelley Billinghurst
You have a sales opening and even with a great sales ad, how do you source good candidates? Part 3 of our interview with Shelley Billinghurst focuses on how to source good sales candidates, mistakes hiring managers make, and actions you need to...
Episode 3

Why Posting a Job Description is a BIG Mistake - and What to Do Instead - Shelley Billinghurst
The purpose and function of a job description is to legally protect you when you need to terminate an employee for non-performance. It's not designed to attract great sales talent to your job opening.You need a way of saying "Come work ...
Episode 2

The Incoming Wave of Today's Labor Market & Hiring - Shelley Billinghurst
Shelley Billinghurst joined us today with a warning that in today's Labor Market, we’re standing on the shore right now ... and we are going to see a wave of people changing jobs at a rate that we have never seen before. She partic...
Episode 1

How The Beatles Helped Convince a Top Prospect
How did the Beatles White album contribute to the most inventive job offer William Tincup has ever seen? Listen for the answer in this podcast as he discusses stand out job offers.This is the 4th and final in a series of interview...
Episode 4

The Biggest Mistakes Sales Leaders Make in a Job Offer
This podcasts highlights the biggest mistakes you can make when extending a job offer to a top sales candidate. William Tincup believes you have to make sure your candidate has no reason to say no. The offer letter should be person...
Episode 3

How to Stand Out When a Top Sales Candidate Has Multiple Job Offers - William Tincup
This podcasts offers ideas on how to "Talk Straight" to a top Sales Rep Candidate you want to hire.William Tincup shares how selling to prospects, and selling your position to candidates, are very similar. Transfer and use your skills, ...
Episode 2

Are You Fumbling at the Goal Line with Your Job Offer?
You spend hours interviewing candidates. After spending much time and money recruiting and hiring, many sales leaders fumble the ball at the one yard line. William Tincup talks about 4 key actions for getting the best and brightest s...
Episode 1

Still Hiring Virtually? Ideas to Make Your Virtual Hiring Stronger
Virtual and remote work is not going away. The need to hire candidates still exists and virtual hiring is growing. As requested, we've combined our most downloaded podcasts, our Virtual Hiring series, into a single podca...

Insights from Jeb Blount: The Sales Manager's Ultimate Interview Guide
This is our full interview with Jeb Blount, an in-demand keynote speaker, sales influencer and author. He has a great e-book on his website SalesGravy.com called the Sales Manager’s Ultimate Interview Guide. It’s a...

Background & Reference Checks: If You Could Have Know ... You SHOULD Have Known!
NOTE: Listeners have requested we combine our earlier 2 part interview with John into a single podcast for easier listening. Thanks for the suggestion - and here it is. As hiring managers we are often guilty of ...
Season 5
Episode 2

How Sales Interviews are Similar to Sales Calls - Jeb Blount Interview #5
What the Best Sales Hiring Leaders Do in InterviewsThis is our 5th and final podcast with Jeb Blount, an in-demand keynote speaker, sales influencer and author. He has a great e-book on his website SalesGravy.com called th...
Episode 5

The Importance of Job Fit When Hiring - Jeb Blount Interview #4
Guest Jeb Blount is a former VP of Sales at a Fortune 200 company, Founder of Sales Gravy, the author of 13 books, and an in-demand speaker and trainer. We are excited to share his thoughts and ideas as he talks with us about hiring sale...
Episode 4

Emotional Intelligence is Critical in Successful Salespeople - Jeb Blount Interview #3
Guest Jeb Blount is a former VP of Sales at a Fortune 200 company, Founder of Sales Gravy, the author of 13 books, and an in-demand speaker and trainer. We are excited to share his thoughts and ideas as he talks with us about hiring sale...
Episode 3