Sales Hiring Straight Talk
Create a stronger HIRING SYSTEM with Ideas ... Resources ... Experience ... Guest Sales Hiring Experts! Sales Hiring Straight Talk ... so your Sales Interviews ROCK!
Sales Hiring Straight Talk
Interviews Should be a Human Experience - Mark Wilcox #1
Jennifer Leake & Susan Paling
This is the first of 3 interviews with Mark Wilcox, Global VP of Sales on the subject of Candidate Experience in the First Interview in the hiring process.
Life, interviewing and applying for a job is hard enough. The more comfortable you can make the candidate, the easier it is to learn more about who they really are. Learn how Mark does this, as well as his "pet peeve" about candidates.
Mark is a veteran "customer first" sales leader, with over 30 years of sales leadership experience and success across multiple industries including: advertising, media, finance and software. Skilled at applying innovation and process excellence, his goal is to provide value to customers and leadership to sales teams.