Sales Hiring Straight Talk
Create a stronger HIRING SYSTEM with Ideas ... Resources ... Experience ... Guest Sales Hiring Experts! Sales Hiring Straight Talk ... so your Sales Interviews ROCK!
Sales Hiring Straight Talk
The Incoming Wave of Today's Labor Market & Hiring - Shelley Billinghurst
Jennifer Leake & Suzanne Paling
Episode 1
Shelley Billinghurst joined us today with a warning that in today's Labor Market, we’re standing on the shore right now ... and we are going to see a wave of people changing jobs at a rate that we have never seen before.
She particularly discusses the 5 things your sales recruits are looking for in your company during your hiring process.
Shelley Billinghurst is the President of Hire Value, Inc. and co-Host of the podcast, The Recruitment Flex with Serge and Shelley. This is the first of four interviews with Shelley on the subject of recruiting.