Sales Hiring Straight Talk
Create a stronger HIRING SYSTEM with Ideas ... Resources ... Experience ... Guest Sales Hiring Experts! Sales Hiring Straight Talk ... so your Sales Interviews ROCK!
Sales Hiring Straight Talk
How to Stand Out When a Top Sales Candidate Has Multiple Job Offers - William Tincup
Jennifer Leake & Suzanne Paling
Episode 2
This podcasts offers ideas on how to "Talk Straight" to a top Sales Rep Candidate you want to hire.
William Tincup shares how selling to prospects, and selling your position to candidates, are very similar. Transfer and use your skills, mindset and actions as a sales manager for selling clients and prospects, to when you are hiring and want to win the talent war.
This is Part 2 of a series of interviews with William Tincup, President and Editor-at-Large of RecruitingDaily.com.